Viewing Feedback and Grades (Students)



In this article, we will look at how students can view results of the Flocabulary assignments they have completed. We will explore:

Finding Your Assignment Results

There are two ways that you can navigate to your assignments results.

Assignments Page

From the Assignments page, click on the Done tab.


You will see a list of all completed assignments. Hover over the assignment you want to look at and click Review. You can also click on the link for any of the activities in that assignment to go directly to the results for that activity.


You can also review overdue assignments by clicking on the Overdue tab. Any assignments you have completed will be available to review.


My Classes Page

You can also find your assignment results from the My Classes section of your account. Hover over your name in the top right corner and select "My Classes."


You will see all of the classes that you are currently enrolled in. Click on "Results" to see how you scored on completed assignments for any of your classes.



Reviewing Results for Each Activity

From the Assignment Review page, you will see a tab across the top for each activity in that assignment. You can click on each activity to review your results. 


For the video, you will see a message letting you know if you watched the video before the due date.


Vocab Cards

When reviewing your results for the Vocab Cards, once your teacher has graded the activity you will see a total grade listed at the top of the screen. 


You can view your results for individual cards in the space below the total grade. You will see your grade on that card and any comments your teacher provided. You will also see the sentence and drawing you submitted.

  • No credit = 0%
  • Check- = 70%
  • Check = 85%
  • Check+ = 100%


Click on "previous card" and "next card" to view all of the assigned Vocab Cards for the activity.


If your teacher hasn't graded your Vocab Cards yet, you will see a message at the top, "Your teacher hasn't graded this yet." Check with your teacher to see when you can expect to see a grade.


Vocab Game

When reviewing the Vocab Game, you will see your score listed in the top left corner. In the top center of the screen, you will see a line of green checks and red Xs for each question to let you know if you answered that question correct or incorrect. You can click on any of the green checks or red Xs to see how you answered that particular question.


You can also use the blue arrows on the left and right side of the screen to navigate between questions.


You will see the question and answer choices once you select a question. The correct answer will be shown in green. If you answered a question incorrectly, the answer you selected will be shown in red and the correct answer will be shown in green.



Break it Down

Once your teacher has graded the open-ended questions in Break it Down, you’ll see your total score at the top of the page. 

Scroll down, and you’ll see your score for the multiple choice question, as well as the grades you were assigned for the video question and open-ended question and any comments your teacher left. For each of the video and open-ended questions, your teacher can select one of the following grades:

  • No credit = 0%
  • Check- = 70%
  • Check = 85%
  • Check+ = 100%

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 11.28.57 AM.png

If your teacher hasn’t graded the video and open-ended questions yet, you’ll see a message that says, “Your teacher hasn’t graded this yet” next to each one. You’ll see your grade for the multiple choice question, but you will not have a total grade for the activity yet.


Read & Respond or Quiz

When reviewing the Read & Respond or Quiz, you will see your score listed in the top left corner. Above your score, you will see a line of green checks and red Xs for each question in the activity to let you know if you answered that question correct or incorrect. You can click on any of the green checks or red Xs to see how you answered that particular question.


You can also use the "Back" and "Next"  arrows on the right side of the screen to navigate between questions.


You will see the question and answer choices once you select a question. The correct answer will be shown in green. If you answered a question incorrectly, the answer you selected will be shown in red and the correct answer will be shown in green.



Lyric Lab

When reviewing the Lyric Lab, you will see the points that your teacher awarded you for the activity and any comments they provided. You will also see a copy of your lyrics and the vocabulary words from the lesson with the words used highlighted in green.


You can click on the purple arrow at the top right of the Lyric Lab activity to download a PDF version of your lyrics.


If you scroll below the lyrics that you wrote, you can practice rapping your lyrics to a beat by choosing a beat from the drop-down list and clicking the play button.


If your teacher hasn't graded your Lyric Lab, you will see a message at the top, "Your teacher hasn't graded this yet." Check with your teacher to see when you can expect to see a grade.


Results for Assignments in Progress

In the To Do section, activities that have been completed will have green circle with a check and activities that still need to be finished will have a yellow circle.


If you click on any assignment, you will be able to review results for any of the automatically graded activities you have completed. This includes the Vocab Game, Read & Respond, and Quiz. Once you open the assignment, click on the activity that you completed and you will be able to review your results.


You won't see your results for the Lyric Lab and Vocab Cards until your teacher has reviewed your assignments and submitted a grade and/or feedback.

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