Using the Read & Respond


This assignable feature provides short reading passages and practice questions that are based on content presented in the unit’s video and lyrics. Read & Respond passages include both fiction and nonfiction texts, giving students additional reading practice in a format that mirrors high stakes tests. 

You can find the Read & Respond activity by clicking on the link to the left of the video. 


A short passage will appear for each question followed by a multiple choice question. Students can read the passage independently or use the Microsoft Immersive Reader Integration for reading support. Once an answer is selected, students must confirm their answer to see if their answer was correct or incorrect.


If the question was answered correctly, a green check will appear and feedback will be provided to explain why this answer was correct. If the question was answered incorrectly, a red X will appear and the correct answer will be identified with the corrective feedback.


Students can use the Back, Next, and Skip buttons to navigate through the questions in the activity.



The Read & Respond activity is complete once all of the questions are answered. If Read & Respond is assigned to students, a score will automatically be calculated and can be found in the Assignments section of that student's class.

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