Flocabulary Lesson Sequence


Each Flocabulary lesson is built with the same structure or lesson sequence. This article will provide an overview of the Flocabulary lesson sequence and link to more information about the individual activities.

Watch the video below for an overview of the Flocabulary lesson sequence.

In this article, we will provide an overview of:

Video and Teacher Resources

When you click on any lesson from the Flocabulary search screen or homepage, it will take you to the lesson video by default. The video is the centerpiece of the Flocabulary lesson, and it is used to introduce the vocabulary words and academic content in an engaging format using rap/hip-hop music. Learn more about how you can use the video to support instruction.


Along with the video, each lesson also provides a Teacher Resources section. The Teacher resources section provides an overview of the video, a list of the Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 vocabulary words for the lesson, supplemental printable materials, and standards alignment information.


Each video is supported with five activities that students can use to practice with and explore the key vocabulary introduced in the video.

Flocabulary Activities

Vocab Cards

The Vocab Cards allow students to make meaning and build knowledge of the vocab words through writing and drawing. There is a card for each of the vocabulary words introduced in the video that provides a definition, sentence, part of speech, and visual representation of the word. You can assign the Vocab Cards for students to complete, allowing them to write the definition in their own words or use the word in a sentence and draw a visual representation of the word. Learn more about how you can use the Vocab Cards with your students.



Vocab Game

The Vocab Game provides students with the opportunity to practice with the vocabulary in a drag and drop activity. Students build a beat by successfully identifying images, completing sentences, matching definitions and selecting synonyms for the lesson’s vocabulary words. Learn more about how you can use the Vocab Game with your students.



Break it Down

Break it Down builds students’ comprehension of the key skills taught in each lesson. Students are asked one or more multiple choice questions that require them to apply these skills. They are then asked to find one or more video clips from the video to support their answers and to explain their thinking or apply another skill from the video in an open-ended response. In Break it Down, students practice the skill of finding text evidence by using the video as text.

*Note: Break it Down is available to teachers and students on Flocabulary Plus plans.

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Read & Respond

With the Read & Respond activity, students are presented with a short reading passage and practice questions that are based on content presented in the lesson's video and lyrics. The Read & Respond activity is automatically graded to provide both the teacher and students with immediate feedback. Teachers can turn on the integration with Microsoft's Immersive Reader to enable powerful tools to support student reading needs. Learn more about how you can use Read & Respond with your students.




Every Flocabulary video includes a quiz that can be used to assess students' understanding of the key vocabulary words introduced in the video. Each quiz contains multiple-choice questions and is auto-graded to provide students and teachers with immediate feedback on their understanding of the vocabulary words. The quiz also integrates with Microsoft's Immersive Reader to provide assistance for your readers who need additional supports. Learn more about how you can use quizzes with your students.



Lyric Lab

Finally, wrap up any Flocabulary lesson with some student rhyme writing with the Lyric Lab activity. Vocabulary terms from the lesson are provided, encouraging students to ground their rhymes in academic vocabulary. There is a built-in rhyming dictionary and a beats library so students can practice rapping their rhymes over a beat. Learn more about how you can use Lyric Lab with your students.


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