Creating Classes


At schools with school-wide licenses to Flocabulary, classes allow teachers to create accounts for their students, assign activities for students to complete, and monitor students’ individual results in order to gain insight into student comprehension.

There are three ways that classes can be made on Flocabulary.

How to Create a Class

Watch the video below to learn how to manually create a class or import your classes from Google Classroom to Flocabulary.

Manually Creating a Class

1. From the Flocabulary homepage, click on "My Classes" at the top of the page and then click the blue "Create a Class" button.


2. Give the class a name, grade level, and subject. Keep in mind that students will see the class name when they sign up.

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You can also:

If you are registered at more than one school, you can also select which subscription this class belongs to.

3. Click "Create a New Class" to finish.  

Note: If at any time you misplace your class code or would like to invite students by email, you can do so in the Manage Class tab.

4. Students will then be able to create an account and join your class. If you'd like, you can distribute this handout to students with directions on how to join the class. Be sure to write in your class code before you copy it.


Import from Google Classroom

For schools and districts that use Google classroom, teachers on school-wide subscriptions can easily create accounts for all of their students with no need for class codes. This also allows students to use Google Single Sign-On to access Flocabulary.

1. From the Flocabulary homepage, click on "My Classes" at the top of the page and then click the green "Import Classes" button.


2. A pop-up will appear. Select the email address associated with your Google Classroom account and grant Flocabulary permission to access your Google Classroom information.


3. Select the class(es) you want to import to Flocabulary and click “Submit.”


4. You will see an Import Complete message appear once the import is done. You will now see your class under the My Classes tab in Flocabulary. To sync your roster with Flocabulary again at any time, click the Sync Roster button on your class or in the Manage Class tab for that class.


5. Students just need to log in to Flocabulary using their Google SSO to access their account and any assignments (no join code/ link necessary)! 

Now that you have created classes, you're ready to explore the lesson sequence and create assignments!

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